Thursday, April 26, 2012

Something I can't live without!

Sex in the City meant more to me than just a TV series that touched on topics such as Sex, Relationships and Friendships, but an opportunity to watch an amazing Fashion show every single night!...
Although I highly doubt that many women can live like they portrayed in the show, with the endless shopping sprees and countless visits to Jimmy Choo and what not, it is definitely pretty cool to dream you can do so. There were definitely things that most girls can relate to, just like the infamous "Carrie" necklace, it was more than just an accessory to her, but something that she could not live without, it definitely defined who she was, no matter how worthless it was. Like Carrie I too have my "special" necklace, It might not spell out my name, or be real gold, and only cost like $6, but I sure do wear it a lot, and I mean a lot!...I personally think the rest of my jewelery are probably jealous because I never wear anything else. Most likely I will probably never get rid of it,no matter how ugly it gets.... somehow its pretty special to me, I'm sure many girls can relate....